Elder College is passionate about enabling adults over 50 and their communities to remain vibrant, resilient and connected. For more than 30 years, it has provided educational courses and public lectures to nearly 1,500 participants annually. Most reside in central Vancouver Island.
Educational opportunities are first-rate and easy to access. There are no exams, and no grades, just dedicated instructors and keen students learning together in a wide range of academic and lifestyle courses.
Currently, people are waiting eagerly to attend planned courses. However, Elder College is completely dependent upon financial donations to launch them.
These funds will be used to reconnect with our core audience, develop programming, set up a registration system, and bridge our operating shortfall in the first two years. Since some students still struggle to pay course fees, any surplus over our immediate needs will be used to establish a permanent, on-going endowment fund to support life-long learning for adults over 50.
We thank the Nanaimo Foundation for its kind assistance in our fundraising efforts: the Donate button below will take you to the Foundation’s webpage for the Elder College fund.
And on behalf of our students, instructors, and their communities, we thank YOU for making an extraordinary impact!