Membership And Course Registration

Welcome to the Registration Platform. Please note that in order to register in courses you must first:
1) if you don’t already have one, create a client account at > Login > Sign Up;
2) respond to an activation email you will receive from Amilia and create a password;
3) login to your client account with your email address as username, and the password you have created, and fill in your address and phone number;
4) if you are not already a member, use the “Find a store” menu line to purchase a membership. Current memberships expire at the end of May 2025. You can then access course registration from the panel below.

Existing members who have given us their email addresses will have had a client account created for them, and then must complete steps 2) and 3). If you became a member prior to August 2024 and have not received an activation email, please send an email to