How to Get Involved
There are countless ways to connect with Elder College and to contribute thereby to your community. You may feel drawn to taking courses or to teaching them. You may enjoy volunteering your time, skill, and passion. You may choose to support us with a donation; or to immerse yourself in every aspect. Whatever your preferences, you can be sure of a warm welcome.
“Elder College is not just about life-long learning. It’s also about life-long friendships.”
To get become a student of Mid Island Elder College, click the link below to discover and register for courses.
Embark on a rewarding journey of lifelong learning and community connection by becoming a member of Mid Island Elder College.
Send an email to explaining briefly your area of expertise and interest. In addition, if you already have a specific course in mind fill out the form below, or download the Course Proposal Form here. This downloadable form is most easily fillable/editable using Adobe Acrobat Reader (available for free here).
If there are any dates/times you will NOT be available, please enter these in the “Other information” field.
NEW: If you are proposing a single-session course, please indicate in which of the following weeks you would prefer it be offered:
September 2-5 October 27-31 December 15-19
Other Volunteers
Send an email to explaining briefly what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing, or fill our the form below.
If you are interested in becoming one of our highly prized donors, click the Donate button below or send an email to for more information.