What We Do

Mid Island Elder College offers short, low-cost, general interest courses on a wide range of subjects – academic, arts-related, lifestyle, hobbies, current affairs… you name it! –  to mature adults. We also convene a public lecture series on a timely and compelling theme, usually over a number of Saturdays. All our activities are inspired by the desire to share ideas and skills amongst like-minded souls.

Why We Do It

At the heart of Elder College lies a passion for lifelong learning. For more than 30 years, through various incarnations, Elder College has provided courses, public lectures, and volunteer opportunities to mature adults, enabling them to remain alert, engaged, vibrant, socially connected and resilient as they age. Our courses and special events offer an antidote to loneliness (a global health concern), boredom (which impacts mental health, cognition, and behavior negatively), and brain aging (one of the greatest fears among mature adults.

When We Do It

We offer courses of varying lengths, and a Saturday Speakers Series, in both Spring and Fall.

Where We Do It

From January 2025 we’ll be holding classes in these locations:


The Parksville Community Centre:
223 Mills Street



The McMillan Arts Centre:
133 McMillan Street


Qualicum Beach

Berwick Qualicum Beach:
120 First Avenue West


Qualicum Beach

The Gardens:
650 Berwick Road North



Beban Park Social Centre
2300 Bowen Road (Room 8)



St. Philip-by-the-Sea:
7113 Lantzville Road


Nanoose Bay

Nanoose Place Community Centre:
2925 Northwest Bay Road



The Nanaimo Museum, at 100 Museum Way, and two branches of the Vancouver Island Regional Library: the Nanaimo North Branch at 6250 Hammond Bay Road, and the Nanaimo Harbourfront Branch at 90 Commercial Street,

Nanaimo Museum

Harbourfront Branch


Nanaimo North Branch



VIRL Cowichan Branch:
2687 James Street


We will also offer courses using the Zoom platform.

Who We Are

The Mid Vancouver Island Elder College Society (our full legal name) is a non-profit incorporated under the BC Societies Act. All its operations are carried out by talented volunteers, whether teachers, media communicators, graphic artists, public speakers, event planners, technical advisors, or board members. Currently, the Society has 500 members, many of whom also volunteer, and 1600 people on our mailing list.

We are always ready to give a warm welcome to new arrivals – if you are interested, please GET INVOLVED.