Our Supporters
Mid Island Elder College survives and thrives thanks to the generous support of our loyal members, as well as individual and corporate donors and sponsors.
We are grateful for their financial assistance and for their commitment to our shared goals in education. Our supporters motivate and embolden us, and they contribute to a highly promising future.
Since space does not allow us to list the hundreds of people who have contributed to the well-being of Elder College, they will be thanked in other ways.
At the same time, we would like to acknowledge Berwick Qualicum Beach, the Nanaimo Museum and the Vancouver Island Regional Library, for granting us free use of their facilities, as well as the following generous donors:
Donations of $1000 or more
The Rotary Club of Nanaimo
The Rotary Club of Parksville
Coastal Community Credit Union
Nanaimo Foundation
The Pieter de Reuver Foundation
The River Foundation
James Addison, in honour of Lorraine Addison
Mitchell Allen & Vida Prater
Rosemarie Davenport
Peter Elias
Aileen Fabris
Edyth and Rudy Friesen
Deborah McKinley
Ross Peterson
Jacqui Townsend
Donations of $500-$1000
Oceanside Strategic Solutions Inc.
Andrea Aitken
Elaine Barnes
Larry and Cynthia Biccum
Norma Clark
Linda Engels
Elizabethy Harvey
Jim Lettic
Andrea Manson
Robert and Betty Price
Alan Rinehart
Elizabeth & Trevor McIvor
Donations of $500-$1000
Alison Chilton
Dave and Nancy Klinger
Douglas and Wendy Smiley
Other Donations
Robyn Arbuckle
Robert Aspen
Nancy Bryant
Beverley Christensen
Donna Clark
Jacqueline Day
Elizabeth Denton
Hilary Emberton
Ron Everard
Jan Hastings
Adam Hoverman
Patricia Jacobson
David Kerk
Dianna Kerk
Tamara Kronis
Anne-Marie Lafleur
Finola Rayner
Joanne Ross
Cindy Shantz
Joyce Smith
Lynda Turner-Bailey
Ivan Vazquez
Eleanor Voysey
Peggy Ward
Stephanie Williams
Elder College's ability to continue offering courses hinges on membership and tuition fees plus, importantly, financial contributions from donors. These resources facilitate connecting with our audiences, delivering programs, maintaining registration and other systems, and addressing what would otherwise be an ongoing operational deficit. Since certain students face challenges affording course fees, we have set up a sustainable endowment fund for fee remission, ensuring continual support for lifelong learning among adults over 50.