Our Supporters

Mid Island Elder College survives and thrives thanks to the generous support of our loyal members, as well as individual and corporate donors and sponsors.

We are grateful for their financial assistance; and for their commitment to our shared goals as an educational society. Our supporters motivate and embolden us, and they contribute to an highly promising future.

Since space does not allow us to list the hundreds of people who have contributed to the well-being of Elder College, they will be thanked in other ways.

At the same time, we would like to acknowledge Berwick Qualicum Beach, the Nanaimo Museum and the Vancouver Island Regional Library, for granting us free use of their facilities, as well as the following generous donors:

The Rotary Club of Nanaimo

The Rotary Club of Parksville

Coastal Community Credit Union

Nanaimo Foundation

Oceanside Strategic Solutions Inc.

Mitchell Allen & Vida Prater

Aileen Fabris

Jacqui Townsend

Rosemarie Davenport

Andrea Aitken

James Lettic

Edyth & Rudy Friesen

Deborah McKinley

Peter Elias

James Addison, in honour of Lorraine Addison

Dr. Robert and Betty Price

Alan Rinehart

Andrea Manson

Larry and Cynthia Biccum

Linda Engels

Elizabeth & Trevor McIvor


Elder College's ability to initiate courses hinges entirely on financial contributions. These resources will facilitate reconnecting with our primary audience, crafting programs, establishing a registration infrastructure, and addressing our operational deficit during the initial two years. Given that certain students face challenges affording course fees, any surplus beyond our immediate requirements will be allocated towards establishing a sustainable endowment fund, ensuring continual support for lifelong learning among adults over 50.