Elder College is Reborn

Elder College has been reborn as an independent society. This move came after Vancouver Island University cut its Elder College program due to budget constraints, as of December 31, 2023.

When the news hit, 3,000 current and past students expressed their huge disappointment. Many sent messages offering to help. In response to this huge outpouring of support, the existing working board seized the opportunity to establish Mid Vancouver Island Elder College Society and to transform itself into a decision making board.

“We can’t let this disappear,” Ross Peterson, MIEC board chair, told Nanaimo News Now. He reassured supporters by email by saying, “The board is enthusiastic about our future. We hope you are, too”. A determined powerhouse, Ross continued to play a pivotal role in the re-invention of Elder College.

MIEC is now a non-profit under the BC Societies Act. With the freedom of being a separate organization comes a responsibility of raising funds and developing systems that will enable it to offer educational opportunities for mature adults.

The new Elder College has hit the ground running.

Within weeks of becoming independent, and in order to test the waters, Elder College offered 6 in-person courses in Parksville. Attendance exceeded expectations.

Another major success was the Saturday Speakers Series, “Canada in a Dicey World,” which was sponsored by the Nanaimo Foundation. This timely topic attracted hundreds of people to Nanoose Bay for three public lectures.

All this takes money, and currently, a major donor campaign is underway. The goal is to secure operating funds for the next 2 years. There are many options for giving.

Undoubtedly, volunteers are the beating heart of Elder College. In the first few months of Elder College’s rebirth, the steering committee, including Ross Peterson, Robin Fisher, Joyce Smith and John Black, worked superhuman hours to put the necessary systems in place. There were reams of legal paperwork to complete, a business plan to develop, classroom space to negotiate, an on-line registration system to secure, many instructors to engage. And that was just for starters.

Currently there are more than 50 instructors willing to offer courses in the fall of 2024. As in past 30 years, courses cover the gamut from lifestyle to academic. Stay tuned for details.

Like the mythological phoenix, Elder College is alive and thriving. We have a dedicated team of board members, volunteers, and instructors. We stand on the solid shoulders of a 30-year history. And we are passionate about offering educational opportunities to people over 50, and thereby serving our mid Vancouver Island communities.

“Mental stimulation is essential to our well-being and independence as we age,” says Jacqui Townsend, who has taken many Elder College courses over the past two decades and serves as the volunteer coordinator. “I’m thrilled that Elder College is back and serving the community in this vital way.”

Come back to this website often, to see how we are growing and where we are going. You can also find us on Facebook.


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Courses & Speakers Series Are Big Hits