Your Gift Really Matters

It takes more than smart and passionate people to launch a non-profit enterprise like Elder College. It also takes money.

And that’s where people like you come in. Every gift counts, whether it’s a donation of ten dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.

“We currently need to raise at least $100,000 to launch courses and get our organization off the ground,” says Joyce Smith, chair of fundraising. “These funds will be used to set up a registration system, reconnect with our target market, set-up programming, and bridge our operating shortfall in the first two years.”

As Ross Peterson, board chair of MIEC told Nanaimo News Now on March 4, 2024, “These are not unexpected expenses by any means, but they are ones we have to meet and we’re confident that the community is going to get behind us and help make this happen.”

Mid-Island Elder College has options for every budget and giving style. Perhaps you’d like to help us meet our immediate needs with a one-time donation. Or maybe you’d prefer to sustain Elder College over the long haul and become an annual supporter. Whatever the case, you will receive a tax receipt and recognition.

Click the donate button below to learn more and contribute to our cause.

“While Mid Island Elder College serves one of the wealthiest regions in Canada, there are still some students who struggle to pay course fees,” says Joyce. “Any excess over our immediate needs will be used to establish a permanent on-going endowment fund to support lifelong learning for adults over 50.”

On their behalf of our mature students waiting to learn, and their communities, we thank you for making an incredible impact!


Courses & Speakers Series Are Big Hits


Empowered By Life-long Learning